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Nail polish

Have the nails you always wanted with new nail color products from our vast collection of polishes and nail accessories.

Nail polish types

Nail colors include conventional lacquers and polishes or gel polishes. Lacquers and polishes may be colored, clear, or enhanced with glitter, metallic sheen, or pearlescent ingredients. Base and top coats help set conventional nail lacquers and polishes.

Nail gels are more long-lasting than conventional nail lacquers and polishes. Nail gels must be set using a special light that has ultraviolet (UV) or LED bulbs. Nail gels must be stored out of sunlight, since UV rays harden the gel colors.

Nail polish product options

Order individual bottles of nail polish or choose sets that include everything you need to pamper your nails. Make sure to order nail polish remover for conventional nails and gel polish remover products for gel nail colors. Look for special tools to help remove the tougher gel polishes.